Dear Parents and Carers,
School governing bodies have many, and at times complex, responsibilities but in general we are there in a strategic role to set the policy framework for the school, to set suitable aims and objectives, agreeing policies, targets and priorities and monitoring and reviewing those aims and objectives, as well as whether the policies, targets and priorities are being achieved. We are all volunteers who come from different backgrounds and bring with us a variety of talents and skills to address our wide range of duties and responsibilities. The composition of the Governing Body reflects the many groups who have an interest in making the school a success. Whilst this can be a diverse group we have in common a dedication to ensuring that the children in our school have the best possible education and that the agreed values of the school are upheld. The Board is committed to ensuring that the school is both a successful and a happy environment for children. We recognise that parents and carers play a vital role in helping their children to succeed in school and we look forward to working in partnership with you, the school staff, and the wider community in enabling each child to make the most of their time with us.
Yours Sincerely,
The Chair of the Board