The Curriculum
Our Curriculum Aims
At Sousse International School we aim to create an exciting and stimulating environment in which each child is encouraged to achieve their full potential. Alongside the fostering of good relationships we strive to encourage the development of responsibility, self-discipline and creative independent thinking. The primary curriculum encourages the development of children intellectually, emotionally, socially and morally, and provides them with the basic skills they need for work and leisure.
In particular the curriculum is intended to:
Encourage children to widen their use of language in its written and spoken forms;
Help children develop mathematical and scientific skills and to apply them effectively;
Give children an understanding of and interest in the history and geography of the environment in which they live and beyond;
Give children the skills, concepts and opportunity to express themselves through music, drama, and a variety of arts and crafts;
Help children develop their physical co-ordination, confidence and capability and to develop an awareness of the requisites for good health and fitness;
Provide experiences that lead to reflection and an opportunity to attribute meaning to experience.